Get Patient Data

FHIR® includes an option to query everything associated to an individual patient. This is useful when transmitting batch data or getting the full patient history. 1upHealth supports the $everything operator.

Although the $everything endpoint is in the FHIR standard, many other servers do not support it due to the additional complexity it adds behind the scenes. Many of our customers have requested it and we also believe in it's usefulness. Any app can query $everything using the 1upHealth FHIR API.

To query everything, send a GET request to the following endpoint. You must include the patient's ID, the FHIR version type (dstu2, stu3, or r4) and the patient’s bearer access token.

curl -X GET '{fhirVersion}/Patient/{patient_id}/$everything' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer accesstokenaccesstoken"

The query iterates through all of the resources in alphabetical order and provides them in the FHIR bundle response, in groups of ten. You can then paginate through the bundle to get additional resources. The total count is also be available in the response so you know how many pages of resources are included.

The $everything request endpoint is case sensitive. It must be lower case.

FHIR R4 $everything Search Parameters

We support the following search parameters for FHIR R4.





Allows you to specify which types of resources will be included in the response.

For example, _type=Encounter returns only the Encounter resources associated with the patient.



Returns only resources that have been modified since the time you specify, based on meta.lastUpdated.



Specifying the start date includes resources where their clinical date is after the specified start date. If no start date is provided, all records before the end date are in scope.

This will filter out resources that have date attributes. However, it will not filter resources that don't have date attributes (such as Patient, Group, FamilyMemberHistory). Resources that reference the patient are always returned.



Specifying the end date will pull in resources where their clinical date is before the specified end date. If no end date is provided, all records after the start date are in scope.

This will filter out resources that have date attributes. However, it will not filter resources that don't have date attributes (such as Patient, Group, FamilyMemberHistory). Resources that reference the patient are always returned.


$everything Start and End Resource Attributes

The following resource attributes are supported for the start and end search parameters for the $everything operator.



Account servicePeriod.start
AdverseEvent date
AllergyIntolerance recordedDate
Appointment start
AppointmentResponse start
AuditEvent period.start
Basic created
BodyStructure NO_DATE
CarePlan period.start
CareTeam period.start
ChargeItem occurrenceDateTime, occurrencePeriod.start, occurrenceTiming.event
Claim billablePeriod.start
ClaimResponse created
ClinicalImpression date
Communication sent
CommunicationRequest occurrenceDateTime, occurrencePeriod.start
Composition date
Condition recordedDate
Consent dateTime
Coverage period.start
CoverageEligibilityRequest created
CoverageEligibilityResponse created
DetectedIssue identifiedDateTime
DeviceRequest authoredOn
DeviceUseStatement recordedOn
DiagnosticReport effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod.start
DocumentManifest created
DocumentReference context.period.start
Encounter period.start
EnrollmentRequest created
EpisodeOfCare period.start
ExplanationOfBenefit billablePeriod.start
FamilyMemberHistory NO_DATE
Flag period.start
Goal statusDate
ImagingStudy started
Immunization recorded
ImmunizationEvaluation date
ImmunizationRecommendation date
Invoice date
List date
MeasureReport period.start
Media issued
MedicationAdministration effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod.start
MedicationDispense whenPrepared
MedicationRequest authoredOn
MedicationStatement dateAsserted
MolecularSequence NO_DATE
NutritionOrder dateTime
Observation effectiveDateTime
Observation effectivePeriod.start
Observation effectiveTiming.event
Observation effectiveInstant
Patient NO_DATE
Person NO_DATE
Procedure performedDateTime, performedPeriod.start
Provenance occurredPeriod.start, occurredDateTime
QuestionnaireResponse authored
RelatedPerson NO_DATE
RequestGroup authoredOn
ResearchSubject period.start
RiskAssessment occurrenceDateTime, occurrencePeriod.start
Schedule planningHorizon.start
ServiceRequest authoredOn
Specimen receivedTime
SupplyDelivery occurrenceDateTime, occurrencePeriod.start, occurrenceTiming.event
SupplyRequest authoredOn
VisionPrescription dateWritten
VisionPrescription dateWritten
VisionPrescription dateWritten

DELETE $everything (R4 Only)

In FHIR R4 only, you can also delete all patient data (FHIR resources) at once by making a DELETE request to the same endpoint.

Resources deleted by this request must be directly patient-related. There is no deletion of shared resources such as Organization, Location, Medication, Practitioner, etc. which do not directly reference the Patient resource.

In this way you can delete all patient data with less time and effort rather than making delete request for every patient related resource type using our FHIR delete endpoint.

To query everything send a request to this endpoint with the patient's ID and the patient’s bearer access token.

curl -X DELETE '{patient_id}/$everything' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer accesstokenaccesstoken"