Patient Connect Audit Events

1up Patient Connect captures FHIR® R4 audit events for the patient-mediated workflow and records them to share with customers as FHIR resources. You can use these audit events to get information about the patient access workflow for a patient or a payer member. Each audit events is logged separately by the environment’s client ID and client secret. You can retrieve audit events using the client ID, client secret, and the time stamp for the event.

Patient Connect supports the following FHIR R4 audit events and event subtypes.

Retrieve Your Audit Events

After your audit events are recorded, you can use the 1up FHIR API Audit Event endpoint to retrieve them.

You can use your client ID and client secret to make an HTTPS GET request to get all of the audit events that are logged under your client ID. You can also submit a request for a specific subtype of an audit event.

Before you begin, make sure that you have your client ID and client secret.

Get All Audit Events

To get all of the audit events for your client ID, you can submit a cURL GET request to the Audit Event endpoint using your client ID and client secret.

Get Details for a Specific Audit Event

You can also submit a cURL GET request to get a specific audit event from the Audit Event endpoint using your client ID and client secret.