Validate FHIR Resources

All FHIR® resources are automatically validated for conformance. Aggregated data from other organizations is canonicalized to the FHIR standard.

When FHIR resources are posted to the FHIR Server, 1up automatically performs base R4 specification validation. If the posted resource doesn’t contain valid JSON, the 1up FHIR Server sends a 400 Bad Request response.

If the posted resource is valid JSON, additional validation checks are performed, and any errors are identified. Some examples of errors include:

  • Incorrect type (string instead of array instead of Boolean)

  • Missing required FHIR resource attribute

If any of these errors are present, the FHIR resource isn’t persisted in the FHIR Server, and the POST request to create the FHIR resource returns a 400 Bad Request status code with details in the response about the specific validation errors.