Register & Create an Application

The first step to get started using the 1upHealth Developer Console and APIs is to register as a 1upHealth developer. You can then create an application and specify your OAuth2 redirect URL.

Sign In or Create an Account

If you already have a 1upHealth developer account, you can sign in to the Developer Console and create your application. If you don't have a developer account, you can create a new account from the Developer Console.

  1. Go to the 1upHealth Developer Console.

    The Log In page appears.

    Screenshot of the 1upHealth Sign In page

Create an Application

After you create an account and sign in to the 1up Developer Console, you can create an application.

  1. In the 1upHealth Developer Console, select Dashboard from the left navigation menu.

    The Dashboard page appears.

    Screenshot of the 1upHealth Console Dashboard page

  2. Click Add Your First Application.

  3. Type a name for your application and an OAuth2 redirect URL.

    This is the root URL for your application.

    For a test application, you can keep the default URL (http://localhost:8000).

  4. Click Save.

    Your application details appear, including your Client ID and Client Secret.

  5. Make note of your Client ID and Client Secret.

    Keep your Client ID and Client Secret in a secure location. You will need them in the future and they don't appear again.