System Search

You can use the 1up System Search to locate the supported payers (health plans) and providers (health systems) in the 1up network.

1up System Search APIs are a powerful resource enabling developers to leverage each System Search API in a single query. The 1up System Search APIs search parameters are matched against the name attribute, address.line, or

Because the 1up System Search API endpoints and tools provide broader search functionality and precise results, we recommend using 1up System Search APIs instead of the individual 1up FHIR APIs.

System Search API Endpoints

Use the System Search API

You can use the System Search API to create a custom search interface that patients can use to identify their providers. You can also use it to retrieve results returned by the System Search tool.

Before you use the System Search API, make sure that you have the access token to use for authorization. The access token (access_token) is generated from your client_id and client_secret for the application.

For more information about access tokens, see Authentication & Authorization APIs.

To use the System Search API, run the following query with the search term appended to the URL as a query parameter. Make sure to add your access_token to the header as a Bearer token.

You can include alphanumeric characters and the ' character in your query parameters. Other special characters are not allowed.

curl -X POST "{SEARCH-TERM}" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN}"

Each search query returns 20 rows at a time, in alphabetical order, with the offset value as the starting point. To get another page of search results, you can set the offset value to a multiple of 20. For example, to get the second page of results, include &offset=20 after the search term, as shown in the following example query.

curl -X POST "{SEARCH-TERM}&offset=20" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN}"

After you run this query, the query response returns a list of payers, health systems, clinics, hospitals, or doctors for the searched term with the 1upHealth system ID. You can use this ID to direct a user to a patient portal (using the same access token) to initiate the log in process.

Use System Search

To search for health systems and providers, run the following cURL command.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}" -X POST "" | json_pp

Embed the System Search Tool

If you don't want to build a search tool for your application using the 1up System Search API, you can use the 1up System Search IFrame to embed the System Search tool inside your application.

Implementations Before August 2024

The August 2024 release included a security upgrade for the System Search tool IFrame.

To get these security enhancements, you must complete the following steps to embed the System Search tool IFrame again, and add the supporting function to your application. We recommend that you update your implementation as soon as possible. Your current instance of the System Search tool will continue to function normally until you can complete the IFrame implementation upgrade, but it won’t include the new security measures.

To embed the System Search tool IFrame in your application, you must add the System Search IFrame HTML element and function to your application. The purpose of the function is to protect any sensitive data that is sent when the IFrame loads, such as your access token, by sending it through the JavaScript postMessage API. To do this, you must include the src (source) and onLoad parameters in the IFrame HTML element. The src parameter specifies the URL of the content that’s displayed in the IFrame. The onLoad parameter specifies the function that’s called when the IFrame loads, and is required to be able to load the content securely with your access token.

The following sets of instructions include example code for the System Search IFrame HTML element and the System Search onIframeLoad function. One set is for React implementations and one is for JavaScript implementations. These examples are base code that you can customize for your specific implementation and front-end framework.

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have your access_token (which is generated using the client_id and client_secret for the application). You must include your access_token value in the System Search function.

For information about access tokens, see the Authentication & Authorization APIs.

After a user selects a health system, clinic, hospital, or doctor, the user is directed to a log in page using the same access_token.