CMS Patient Access Rule

The CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Rule (CMS-9115-F) provides for patient access to their health information. It drives interoperability and provides for access through the electronic sharing of patient data in FHIR R4 format using authorized APIs and applications.

1upHealth support FHIR R4 data from hundreds of health plans (health insurance companies), such as Aetna and Cigna.

You can learn more about how 1up supports the CMS Patient Access Rule in the following topics.

Overview for Developers

Learn how to set up your applications to connect to 1up and work with FHIR R4.

Test Applications in the Sandbox

Learn how to get access to the 1up network of Payer FHIR R4 endpoints and connect to the endpoints for testing.

Get Access to Production

Learn how to get access to the 1up Production environment.

Connect to Payer Endpoints

Learn how to connect to the 1up Payer endpoints to get data for your application.

Third-Party Applications

Learn about the approved third-party applications for Health Plan members.

Get Access to Payer-to-Payer Endpoints

Learn how to get access to the 1up Payer-to-Payer endpoints and exchange data.